Andrew's Room
When you meet 12 year old Andrew for the first time, you are immediately struck by his animated, energetic personality! He is a joyful, well-mannered young man and it was our pleasure to be a part of his journey by providing a Pokemon themed bedroom for him. He loves all things Pokemon so we created a “Pokemon Ball” wall, Mike built an awesome toybox and a very cool box light and Ray added some of his favorite characters to his wall. Before we could begin the weekend renovation of Andrew’s room, a wall needed to be taken down to allow for more space so his desk for home-schooling could be added. A big “thank you” to Darwin and his team who came out a few weekends beforehand to complete the first step of the project taking a wall down between two rooms and prepping it so that you would never even know there were two rooms there! We hope Andrew has a lot of enjoyment in his new Pokemon room!!