Eliana's Room
Six-year old Eliana has had a lifetime of physical challenges. She was born with MMIH Syndrome (Megacystic Microcolon Intestinal Hypostasis Syndrome), which prevents the stomach, intestines, kidneys, and bladder from functioning correctly. Even with her many medical struggles, when she is out of the hospital and home, her outward appearance is of an energetic, happy little girl. She loves dance! Especially Ballet and tap, which she takes classes in. Eliana requested her very own ballet bar, tap floor and of course, music, so that she can have her own dance studio at home. Pink was her #1 favorite color so we created a girly, bright room with a ballet bar, portable tap floor, a pink tutu table skirt and of course, an itouch ipod for her music. We hope Eliana will “dance like no one is watching” in her very own ballet studio!